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A class for test configurations on batch compute.


A builder class for a test run on batch compute.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
class RunConfiguration:
    """A builder class for a test run on batch compute."""

    def __init__(
        self, name: str, run_command: str, output_directory: Path = Path("./")
        """Initialise the run configuration file as a empty bash file.""" = name
        self.output_directory: Path = output_directory
        self.sbatch_config: dict[str, str] = {}
        self.module_loads: list[str] = []
        self.environment_variables: dict[str, str] = {} Path | None = None
        self.build_commands: list[str] = []
        self.pre_built: bool = False
        self.run_command: str = run_command
        self.post_commands: list[str] = []
        self.args: str | None = None
        self.instantiation: dict[str, Any] | None = None

    def sbatch_contents(self) -> str:  # noqa: C901
        """Construct the sbatch configuration for the run."""
        sbatch_file = SHELL_SHEBANG

        for key, value in self.sbatch_config.items():
            if key == "output":
                # TODO: The output file will always override this key!
                # This should probably be a logging statement...
                print("WARNING: Output file configuration overriden!")
            sbatch_file += f"#SBATCH --{key}={value}\n"
        sbatch_file += f"#SBATCH --output={self.output_file}\n"

        sbatch_file += "\necho '===== CONFIGURATION ====='\n"
        if len(self.module_loads) > 0:
            sbatch_file += "echo '=== MODULE LOADS ==='\n"
            sbatch_file += "module purge\n"
            sbatch_file += f"module load {' '.join(self.module_loads)}\n"

        if len(self.environment_variables) > 0:
            sbatch_file += "echo '=== ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ==='\n"
        for key, value in self.environment_variables.items():
            sbatch_file += f"export {key}={value}\n"
            sbatch_file += f"echo '{key}={value}'\n"

        sbatch_file += "echo '=== CPU ARCHITECTURE ==='\n"
        sbatch_file += "lscpu\n"
        sbatch_file += "echo '=== SLURM CONFIG ==='\n"
        sbatch_file += "scontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID\n"
        if self.instantiation is not None:
            sbatch_file += "echo '=== RUN INSTANTIATION ==='\n"
            sbatch_file += f"echo '{self.instantiation}'\n"
        sbatch_file += "echo\n"

        sbatch_file += "\necho '===== BUILD ====='\n"
        if is not None:
            sbatch_file += f"cd {}\n"
        if self.pre_built:
            sbatch_file += "echo 'run configuration was pre-built'\n"
            sbatch_file += "\n".join(self.build_commands) + "\n"
        sbatch_file += "echo\n"

        sbatch_file += "\necho '===== RUN ====='\n"
        if self.args is None:
            sbatch_file += f"{TIME_COMMAND}{self.run_command}\n"
            sbatch_file += f"{TIME_COMMAND}{self.run_command} {self.args}\n"

        if len(self.post_commands) > 0:
            sbatch_file += "\necho '===== POST RUN ====='\n"
            sbatch_file += "\n".join(self.post_commands)

        return sbatch_file

    def output_file(self) -> Path:
        """Get the path to the output file to write to."""
        # instantation_str = (
        #     f"__{RunConfiguration.get_instantiation_repr(self.instantiation)}"
        #     if self.instantiation is not None
        #     else ""
        # )
        return self.output_directory / f"{}__%j.out"

    def get_instantiation_repr(cls, instantiation: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        """Get a string representation of a run instantiation."""
        # TODO: Better representation of sbatch etc than stringifying
        # instantiation_items: list[str] = []
        # for name, value in instantiation.items():
        #     if name == "args":
        #         instantiation_items.append(
        #             f"{name}={str(value).replace('/','').replace(' ','_')}"
        #         )
        #     # elif name == "run_command":
        #     # elif name == "build_commands":
        #     # elif name == "module_loads":
        #     # elif name == "sbatch_config":
        #     # elif name == "environment_variables":
        # return ",".join(instantiation_items)
        return ",".join(
            f"{name}={str(value).replace('/','').replace(' ','_')}"
            for name, value in instantiation.items()

    def get_true_output_file_name(self, slurm_id: int) -> str:
        """Get the actual output file name with substituted slurm job id."""
        return f"{[:-8]}__{slurm_id}.out"

    def run(self, dependencies: list[int] | None = None) -> int | None:
        Run the specified run configuration.

        TODO: Could type alias for slurm job id for eturn type?
        # Ensure the output directory exists before it is used
        self.output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Create and run the temporary sbatch file via slurm
        with NamedTemporaryFile(
  , suffix=".sbatch", dir=Path("./"), mode="w+"
        ) as sbatch_tmp:
            command_list = ["sbatch", Path(]
            if dependencies is not None:
                dependencies_string = ",".join(str(job_id) for job_id in dependencies)
                command_list.insert(1, f"--dependency=afterok:{dependencies_string}")
                result = subprocess_run(  # nosec
                    command_list,  # type: ignore # noqa: S603, PGH003
            except CalledProcessError:
                return None
            job_id_search = re_search(SLURM_JOB_ID_REGEX, result.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
            if job_id_search is None:
                return None
            return int(

    def collect(
        self, slurm_id: int, check_queue: bool = False  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
    ) -> str | None:
        """Collect the output from a completed job with a given slurm id."""
        # Check the job is completed in the queue
        if check_queue:
            result = subprocess_run(  # nosec
                ["squeue", "-j", str(slurm_id)],  # noqa: S603, S607
            if SLURM_UNQUEUED_SUBSTRING in result.stdout.decode("utf-8"):
                return None

        # Return the contents of the specified output file
        output_file = self.output_file.parent / self.get_true_output_file_name(slurm_id)
        if not output_file.exists():
            return None
        return output_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Get the sbatch configuration file defining the run."""
        return self.sbatch_contents

sbatch_contents: str property

Construct the sbatch configuration for the run.

output_file: Path property

Get the path to the output file to write to.

__init__(name: str, run_command: str, output_directory: Path = Path('./'))

Initialise the run configuration file as a empty bash file.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def __init__(
    self, name: str, run_command: str, output_directory: Path = Path("./")
    """Initialise the run configuration file as a empty bash file.""" = name
    self.output_directory: Path = output_directory
    self.sbatch_config: dict[str, str] = {}
    self.module_loads: list[str] = []
    self.environment_variables: dict[str, str] = {} Path | None = None
    self.build_commands: list[str] = []
    self.pre_built: bool = False
    self.run_command: str = run_command
    self.post_commands: list[str] = []
    self.args: str | None = None
    self.instantiation: dict[str, Any] | None = None

get_instantiation_repr(instantiation: dict[str, Any]) -> str classmethod

Get a string representation of a run instantiation.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def get_instantiation_repr(cls, instantiation: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Get a string representation of a run instantiation."""
    # TODO: Better representation of sbatch etc than stringifying
    # instantiation_items: list[str] = []
    # for name, value in instantiation.items():
    #     if name == "args":
    #         instantiation_items.append(
    #             f"{name}={str(value).replace('/','').replace(' ','_')}"
    #         )
    #     # elif name == "run_command":
    #     # elif name == "build_commands":
    #     # elif name == "module_loads":
    #     # elif name == "sbatch_config":
    #     # elif name == "environment_variables":
    # return ",".join(instantiation_items)
    return ",".join(
        f"{name}={str(value).replace('/','').replace(' ','_')}"
        for name, value in instantiation.items()

get_true_output_file_name(slurm_id: int) -> str

Get the actual output file name with substituted slurm job id.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def get_true_output_file_name(self, slurm_id: int) -> str:
    """Get the actual output file name with substituted slurm job id."""
    return f"{[:-8]}__{slurm_id}.out"

run(dependencies: list[int] | None = None) -> int | None

Run the specified run configuration.

TODO: Could type alias for slurm job id for eturn type?

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def run(self, dependencies: list[int] | None = None) -> int | None:
    Run the specified run configuration.

    TODO: Could type alias for slurm job id for eturn type?
    # Ensure the output directory exists before it is used
    self.output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # Create and run the temporary sbatch file via slurm
    with NamedTemporaryFile(, suffix=".sbatch", dir=Path("./"), mode="w+"
    ) as sbatch_tmp:
        command_list = ["sbatch", Path(]
        if dependencies is not None:
            dependencies_string = ",".join(str(job_id) for job_id in dependencies)
            command_list.insert(1, f"--dependency=afterok:{dependencies_string}")
            result = subprocess_run(  # nosec
                command_list,  # type: ignore # noqa: S603, PGH003
        except CalledProcessError:
            return None
        job_id_search = re_search(SLURM_JOB_ID_REGEX, result.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
        if job_id_search is None:
            return None
        return int(

collect(slurm_id: int, check_queue: bool = False) -> str | None

Collect the output from a completed job with a given slurm id.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def collect(
    self, slurm_id: int, check_queue: bool = False  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
) -> str | None:
    """Collect the output from a completed job with a given slurm id."""
    # Check the job is completed in the queue
    if check_queue:
        result = subprocess_run(  # nosec
            ["squeue", "-j", str(slurm_id)],  # noqa: S603, S607
        if SLURM_UNQUEUED_SUBSTRING in result.stdout.decode("utf-8"):
            return None

    # Return the contents of the specified output file
    output_file = self.output_file.parent / self.get_true_output_file_name(slurm_id)
    if not output_file.exists():
        return None
    return output_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")

__repr__() -> str

Get the sbatch configuration file defining the run.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Get the sbatch configuration file defining the run."""
    return self.sbatch_contents

get_queued_job_ids() -> list[int]

Get the IDs of the jobs queued by the current user.

Source code in src/hpc_multibench/
def get_queued_job_ids() -> list[int]:
    """Get the IDs of the jobs queued by the current user."""
    result = subprocess_run(  # nosec
        ["squeue", "-u", getuser(), "-o", "'%A'", "-h"],  # noqa: S603, S607
    return [int(job_id.strip("'")) for job_id in result.split("\n") if job_id != ""]