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This page shows a gallery of the capabilities of the HPC MultiBench tool.

Viewing run configurations

Viewing run configurations
A screenshot of the TUI viewing a run configuration, including the instantiation of variables and the Slurm sbatch file to run.

Viewing aggregated metrics

Viewing aggregated metrics
A screenshot of the TUI viewing the metric results extracted from and aggregated across a set of runs defined in the YAML file.

Dispatching runs

Viewing aggregated metrics
A screenshot of the TUI showing a modal dialog as it spawns Slurm jobs after the "Run Test Plan" button is pressed.

Line plots

Plotext line plots
A screenshot of a a line plot of the metrics rendered entirely in the terminal.
Plotext line plots
A screenshot of a a line plot of the metrics rendered entirely in the terminal.
Matplotlib line plots
A screenshot of a Matplotlib window spawned by the TUI displaying a line plot including error bars of the metrics.

Bar plots

Plotext bar plots
A screenshot of a a bar plot of the metrics rendered entirely in the terminal.
Matplotlib bar plots
A screenshot of a Matplotlib window spawned by the TUI displaying a bar plot including error bars of the metrics.

Roofline plots

Plotext roofline plots
A screenshot of a a roofline plot of the metrics rendered entirely in the terminal.
Matplotlib roofline plots
A screenshot of a Matplotlib window spawned by the TUI displaying a roofline plot including error bars of the metrics.