The Mathematics of Lasagne

Lasagne. What is it? Why is it? This talk seeks to obfuscate the answer to these questions.

Watch it on YouTube


We introduce a system for categorising foodstuffs based on the location of their starch content (The Cube Rule of Food Identification 1), give a brief introduction to Group Theory, then combine this knowledge to mathematically define Lasagne, and write a representation of it in Haskell.

Why does this exist?

As part of my role as an academic officer for the University of Warwick Computing Society in the 2023-24 academic year, I helped organise “Lightning Talks”, which are “short (~20 minute) talks about anything and everything to do with computer science”.

I wrote and delivered this talk as one of the Lightning Talks in the Michaelmas term of 2023. The slides and source code for this talk are available on GitHub 2.
