Where can I find the lecture?
You can watch the recording of the full lecture on YouTube:
What does CS260 mean?
At the University of Warwick, CS260 is the module code for the “Algorithms” class on the Computer Science course. It is described on the module web-page as follows:
Data structures and algorithms are fundamental to programming and to understand computation. The purpose of this module is to provide students with a coherent introduction to techniques for using data structures and some basic algorithms, and with the tools for applying these techniques to computational problems.
– Warwick Department of Computer Science webpage 1
Why did you do a revision lecture about it?
Near the end of the term in which the module runs, there is a class test which contributes to 20% of students’ grade.
As part of my role as an academic officer for the University of Warwick Computing Society 2 in the 2023-24 academic year, I decided to run a revision lecture on the module content, based on my experience of taking the class test two years prior.
How did the lecture go?
In total, around 80 people attended the lecture (about 1/3rd of the students taking the module – slightly visible in the last photo in the gallery), which is pretty successful given that it was a student-lead event with minimal advertising! On top of this, the lecture seemed broadly well-received as helpful by those who attended.
Personally, I found giving the lecture very fulfilling - it is really cool (if a little intimidating) to give a technical lecture to a moderately large group of people. If given the opportunity I would definitely do it again, but I fear my career is likely to be in the direction of industry rather than academia, so I am unlikely to be giving many such lectures on the future.
Thanks to Dewi Jones and the UWCS publicity team for taking these photos!