In 1895, John Scott Haldane proposed bringing warm-blooded animals, most commonly canaries, into mines to detect high levels of carbon monoxide 1. This worked because they would become sick (and stop singing) before the miners did. Because of this, “Canary in a coal mine” is commonly used as an idiom for something which warns people of danger.
This blog post is (in a very convoluted sense) a canary for my website, as it exercises the elements which can be embedded in a blog post. If I broke something in the server side rendering it will be messed up here, like a canary in a coal mine.
Inline code
1def inc(x: int) -> int:
2 return x + 1
4print("This is a test of rendering code inside markdown. Long lines should wrap around!")
5assert inc(0) == 1
Line breaks
This is some text.
This is some more text, after a line break.
Figure 1: A randomly generated photo from Lorem Picsum.
Internal references
Inline HTML
This is some text styled through raw HTML.Block comment
The chief aim of the present investigation has been to determine experimentally the causes of the symptoms produced in man by carbonic oxide, and particularly the relation of the changes in the blood to the symptoms, to the percentage of carbonic oxide breathed, and to the period during which the inhalation is continued.
– John Scott Haldane
This is a note admonition.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
This is a note admonition using a custom title
This is an error admonition.
Haldane J. The Action of Carbonic Oxide on Man. The Journal of Physiology. 1895 Nov 16; 18(5-6):430-62. ↩︎