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Blog Canary

In 1895, John Scott Haldane proposed bringing warm-blooded animals, most commonly canaries, into mines to detect high levels of carbon monoxide [1] . This worked because they would become sick (and stop singing) before the miners did. Because of this, “Canary in a coal mine” is commonly used as an idiom for something which warns people of danger.

This blog post is (in a very convoluted sense) a canary for my website, as it exercises the elements which can be embedded in a blog post. If I broke something in the server side rendering it will be messed up here, like a canary in a coal mine.

Inline code

1def inc(x: int) -> int:
2    return x + 1
4print("This is a test of rendering code inside markdown. Long lines should wrap around!")
5assert inc(0) == 1

Line breaks

This is some text.

This is some more text, after a line break.


A photo of me sitting on a pillar in Paris.

A photo of me sitting on a pillar in Paris.

Internal references

Hello there post

Inline HTML

This is some text styled through raw HTML.


This is a note admonition.
Custom warning title:
This is a note admonition using a custom title.
This is an error admonition.
